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Hi, I am in my 2nd year studying to be a teacher through CQUni. This blog was designed to help me reflect on my findings about ICT tools for my and my future students' learning.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Wiki analysis + comparison of a blog

I'm reviewing wikis again and their benefits. I found an article which focused on the positives and negatives of using a wiki for higher education. Plus: Prepare, compose, edit, review and assess tasks, collaboratively. Think critically. Team work skills - beneficial for group assignment Global access - possibility of building on cultural understanding. Minus: Because it is so open - anyone can edit that content which maybe shouldn't be edited. Also, copyright and ownership issues may arise (especially if the same task is being discussed in great detail). Interesting:

“Despite the fact that there are many who have serious doubts and concerns’ regarding Wikipedia’s overall quality, Wikipedia’s website is one of the most visited sites on the Internet, serving an average 50.000 http

requests per second”
At school I was told not to reference wikipedia. However, it was always one of the easiest websites to access and read - it gave me some good background knowledge and most of the time it did contain accurate information. The key differences between blogs and wiki are that wikis can be edited by anyone - with an account (not hard to get), whereas in a blog, 'outsiders' can only add comments and the blog owner has control over the content (can delete anything). Both allow pictures and videos to be uploaded and links to be added. Personally I prefer the layout and tools to edit blogs over wikis. But wikis seem to welcome collaborative work over blogs.

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