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Hi, I am in my 2nd year studying to be a teacher through CQUni. This blog was designed to help me reflect on my findings about ICT tools for my and my future students' learning.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Concept maps 2

I was just trying out the concept mapping tool "Text2Mindmap" and I created a mind map on animals - for my lesson in the week. I found this tool not as 'exciting' as the "bubbl.us". It took me longer to work out how to use the program (it is simple though), and whenever a change is made in the text it moves the boxes away from where they were before (annoying). Like the bubbl.us, it had options for colour and font which made it fun to use. Now the question - why have people put the effort into designing programs/tools for creating concept maps? Do people really use them that much? How are they beneficial to learning? I found a website which goes into detail about the theory of concept mapping and how it is useful. I didn't read the whole article but the key points that I got from it was the fact that concept maps place items in a hierarchial order and then visually show the relationships between all the ideas, concepts, objects etc. This prompted my mind into thinking about how our brains work - we learn/remember things by linking information to existing knowledge. Concept mapping is just one way of visually representing those links - helping use retain the information. Also, I think that these concept mapping tools are a great way to organise declarative knowledge (Dimension 2). Do you agree?

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