About Me

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Hi, I am in my 2nd year studying to be a teacher through CQUni. This blog was designed to help me reflect on my findings about ICT tools for my and my future students' learning.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

First experience

Hey all, This is my first time blogging. I don't really know what to say, but hopefully as the weeks unfold I will learn more about online tools such as blogging. I enjoy learning about computer based programs and technologies and hopefully I will catch the blogging fever! I have never thought about using blogs in the classroom as all my prac experiences have had a maximum of three computers. I value the use of pen and paper, however using the internet has many benefits such as communicating quickly over long distances and giving students a wider audience (can be both positive and negative). I'll keep thinking on the topic, and I'm looking forward to learning more. :) Sarah x

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