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Hi, I am in my 2nd year studying to be a teacher through CQUni. This blog was designed to help me reflect on my findings about ICT tools for my and my future students' learning.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Uses of PowerPoint

I have been using PowerPoint for a number of years now - I probably started using it when I was in grade 9 for assignments and continue to use it today for my uni assignments and in my prac classroom. PowerPoint is a very simple program to use and it is easy to undo any mistakes. It sometimes takes me a while to complete the process of using animation (but that has always been through trial and error) and there are so many effects to choose from - I waste too much time!! :) As mentioned before, I have used PowerPoint in a grade 4 classroom before. I think this was more beneficial than me writing on the board as it was colourful, animated, pre-made (no waiting for me to write something - but a teacher could be editing a powerpoint during the lesson anyway(if needed)) and can contain sounds. I found a website stating the positives of PowerPoint, but it did have some suggestions as to it's educational purpose: using it to teach students, or students using it to show knowledge/capabilities or, using it to diplay information without a persons presence (eg. parent info night(parents can go at own pace), or slide show of pictures - what happened during the day?) I know that I will be using PowerPoint in my future classroom because I know how to use it already and I think that it is a very effective ICT tool. However, I do wonder, will my students be so advanced in using PowerPoint that it is not something facinating to them? At least it is more engaging that reading my writing and deciphering my drawing! :)

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