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Hi, I am in my 2nd year studying to be a teacher through CQUni. This blog was designed to help me reflect on my findings about ICT tools for my and my future students' learning.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I just had a go at making a podcast. you can listen to it on: http://rosey-harris.podomatic.com/ It is simple to use however I still had difficultly in publishing it - I forgot to save my recording!!! Silly me! Anyway, as I was browsing, i saw a link which said "educational podcasts" - i am yet to have a look - but ill report back with my findings.

So i just found this excellent website which has now made me excited about podcasts! Please go onto it as it has some great ideas about how to use podcasts in a classroom. Some of the ideas include using it as a science log, any oral presentation - report about an author or historical audio diaries. The possibilities are ENDLESS! I really like the science log idea because, when I was in highschool I found it such a drag to write down everything that our science group was discussing. so if we used a podcast, there would be no need for the doubling up and also, it saves time - I take a lot longer to write that I do to talk. Another benefit, for oral presentations via podcasts, is that the students would be able to listen to themselves and adjust their speech pace and tone etc., because they get to hear how they sound - be reflective. Plus, with the visual perspective, students could create their own mini movie to be posted on their blogs and wikis - containing the facts that they want - unlike using other youtube videos which may not contain exactly what they want.


  1. Hi Sarah,
    You have some very interesting points in this blog. After reading through it, I was thinking about what happens to those students who, say, break their leg and end up in bed or hospital for a length of time. Would it be an idea for the teacher to podcast some of the main lessons and discussion that that student was missing as a way to keep the student up-to-date without having them try to work things out on their own? Often when something happens that causes students to be absent, the students come back after it feeling very far behind and often requiring a lot more attention than the rest of the class just so they can be at the same level as their classmates.
    It occured to me due to the fact that I know the Uni podcasts and recordings of lectures aided me in keeping up-to-date when I was absent for a period of almost 6 weeks early last term.
    Enjoyed reading your blog.

  2. Thanks Naomi, yes, that’s what I was thinking about – keeping those kids up to date. It was good to hear of a real example (you) where it was beneficial. I was viewing another blog recently, and I just wanted to share a great idea of using podcasts in the classroom. Record your voice reading a children’s story, publish it as a podcast and then use it with students in a literacy rotation/activity. This idea could be transformed into many uses, but I think that it would be great especially in the early years of schooling. If the focus is on comprehension and not reading, I think this tool would save a lot of time in students deciphering the story. Also, activities could be completed independently. There are so many possibilities!
