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Hi, I am in my 2nd year studying to be a teacher through CQUni. This blog was designed to help me reflect on my findings about ICT tools for my and my future students' learning.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Image: graur razvan ionut / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

This image would be a great story starter.

Image: djcodrin / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

This image shows various photography techniques (give student's ideas when taking photos). Also, is a great image that students could analyse eg. why have they blurred her face? emotion portayed? Image: federico stevanin / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Images such as the one above, allow students to experience a different place, without having to leave the classroom. When I saw this photo, I thought it was strange- it shut down the assumption that it 'doesn't rain on sand dues' - obviously it does, however I always associate hot sunny weather with sand dues. Also, it gives students an image of a sand due, for those who have never seen one. This could easily start a discussion about the weather and how it affects environment.

I am a visual learner and so, I find that any images assist in my development of knowledge - compared to just hearing about it. Recently I was searching for image search engines and I came across this website http://www.eduscapes.com/tap/topic20.htm which is very beneficial for teachers as it has links to various 'search engines' for images (filtered, unlike Google images).

Also, the website that I retrieved these images from http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/, allows you to use professional photos for free, if you give credit to the photographer (which isn't hard to do).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah,
    Visual images certainly help to produce emotion and stimulate discussion and thinking in a classroom. Thanks for the link to eduscapes.com - added it to Favourites - a site like that saves a lot of 'surfing' and time! I like the idea of having a "Picture of the day" - it would help to develop oracy skills in the early years and build critical analysis and reflection as well. Thanks for stimulating my thought on the use of visual images in the classroom. Kim
